Monday, February 13, 2012

Are you a Dandy or a Flaneur?

(Image by Danilo Rizzuti)
Charles Baudelaire talks about two specific types of people - the Dandy and the Flaneur. 

Which are you?

The Dandy
The Dandy is, above all else, reserved.  It is safe to say that the Dandy is an introvert - someone who lives quietly within themselves.  Dandies do not seek attention and prefer "behind-the-scenes" roles.  They are also very conscience of their perception to others and remain well-groomed and nicely dressed.

The Flaneur
The Flaneur is the opposite.  Flaneurs live in the moment and embrace life.  They are most comfortable when they are submerged in people.  They are definitely extroverts.  Flaneurs were a result of modern city life.  They interacted with the city without ever being a true part of it.  The following video provides a great example of the Flaneur.

So . . . are you a Dandy or a Flaneur?